Pengalaman Terbaik Menggunakan e-modul untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran IPA di Kelas 9.2 SMPN 42 Batam

Nirma Fitriani


Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out online and limited face-to-face meetings had an effect on the learning outcomes of grade 9 students in science which tended to be low. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in science subjects through the use of e-modules. The research methods used include: lectures, questions and answers, discussions, e-module literacy, exercises and independent practicum. After using the e-module there was an increase in the average value of students. At the first meeting, 23 students (58.97%) got a complete score and 16 students (41.03%) did not complete with an average score of 68.97. In the second meeting, 24 students completed (61.54%) and did not complete 15 students (38.46%) with an average score of 72.31. In the third meeting, 22 students (56.41%) completed the complete score and 17 students (43.59%) did not complete with an average score of 71.92. There was a decrease in the completeness score and average score at the third meeting, possibly because the learning material was not only in the form of memorization/theory, but material that required reasoning in the form of mathematical formulas and calculations. E-module can be used as a new alternative media in learning


Best Practice, Learning, Science, e-module

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