The purpose of this research is motivated by the importance of counseling guidance services provided to students in schools because every students must have various problems that exist in them. This research method uses a literature study to examine through writings from books about the role of counseling guidance services in schools. The results of the study can be seen that counseling guidance services are part of an integrated and inseparable element of education from all edicational activitie. The role of counseling guidance in improving the quality of education lies in how counseling guidance builds a complete human being from various aspects that exist from within students. Guidance and counseling services in schools are very necessary because every student at school can be sure to have problems, both personal problems and problems in learning and every problem faced by each student is definitely different. The role of counseling guidance to improve the quality of education is not only in the field of academic guidance but also in the fields personal, social, intellectual guidance and value giving.
Keywords: the role of counseling guidance services
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P-ISSN 2442-4323 E-ISSN 2599-0071
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