Equilibiria: Jurnal Fakultas Ekonomi is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Riau Kepulauan. p-ISSN: 2503-1546 (print) and e-ISSN: 2986-2248 (online). Equilibiria publishes articles biannually every June and December; topics related to research results in the fields of Management, Accounting, Digital Business and other economic disciplines. Articles submitted to Equilibiria are going to be reviewed by a competent editor and reviewer. The journal is also registered in the Crossref with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) prefix 10.33373.

Vol 11, No 2 (2024): Desember 2024
Table of Contents
Aznedra Aznedra, Rizki Eka Putra, Fadhila Azzahra, Hanafi Siregar
Zulwida Rahmayeni, Sastra Tamami
Dhenny Asmarazisa Azis, Rona Tanjung, Sriwati Sriwati, Denny Ammari Ramadhan, Lestari Novianti Debataraj, Lestari Novianti Debataraj